GLD Enterprises Communications National Literacy Initiative
Help GLD Enterprises Communications raise funds for children's literacy!
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Help GLD Enterprises Communications raise funds for children's literacy!
Did you know there are 25 million children in America who cannot read proficiently? Join us in helping set children up for future success.
Literacy is Power!
We are celebrating the 25th Anniversary of GLD Enterprises Communications, Ltd. - a business that's very existence is based on literacy. In doing so we have chosen to raise money to support children's literacy in memory of those who inspired Gery to be a writer: Gery's Mom, Lois Deer, children's authors Hildegarde H. Swift, Lynd Ward [The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge], and British writer Douglas Adams [The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy] - we will be raising money for Reading is Fundamental (RIF), the nation’s largest children’s literacy nonprofit.
Like Gery, RIF believes every child deserves an opportunity to own books, learn how to read, and obtain the fundamental building blocks to achieve their highest potential. Literacy opens doors and enables every child the chance to live their own journey.
Your generous donation can provide books, eBooks, and reading resources to those who need them most.
Reading Is Fundamental
Reading Is Fundamental is committed to a literate America by inspiring a passion for reading among all children, providing quality content to make an impact and engaging communities in the solution to give every child the fundamentals for success. As the nation’s largest children’s literacy non-profit, Reading Is Fundamental maximizes every contribution to ensure all children have the ability to read and succeed.